Friday, February 7, 2014

January 2014 Training Wrap

Well, I managed to somewhat shake-off the holiday beer-drinking season that always seems to take hold of me once Loveland opens for the ski season. Its tough for willpower, having a bar at work that all your friends visit every day.

Then every year about January I start noticing the beer gut I've established and I start to get serious about training for the upcoming summer.

My plan for this January was to get my cardio back, so mainly I just skinned up the mountain here at work. I got in 20 days skinning during January and managed to tie my all-time best time to the top of Rookie Road on the Continental Divide.

That PR of 51:45 that I tied was from April 2012 when I was getting into the leanest and best shape of my life. I have lighter gear now, so it doesn't mean I've reached that fitness level yet, but its a good start to be anywhere near that fast again.

I even got on the mountain bike in Moab one day this month for a 15-mile ride up Amasa Back and out to Pothole Arch.

The final January 2014 totals:
Worked out 25 of 31 days:
20 days skinning uphill.
2 hikes.
1 mountain bike ride.
1 day of weights in the gym (need to step this up).
36.25 miles on foot or skinning uphill w/skis.
15 miles of semi-technical mountain biking.
30,000 feet of climbing via feet, skis, or mountain bike.

Decent start, but I was still pretty disgusted with my February 1 weigh-in.

So kicking it up another notch. More miles, more vert, less drinking, counting calories, and craploads of snow-shoveling so far...

Thus February has seen a good start. Got to keep it up!

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