Friday, January 3, 2014

Skinning to the Continental Divide

Chair 9 at Loveland is finally open for the season so that means we are allowed to skin to the "Ridge" now, otherwise known as the Continental Divide.

My route is right at 1.75 miles and the ascent from the base area is roughly 1700 vertical feet. It starts pretty easy and gets tougher as you move along.

Today I put in a pretty hard effort and got to the top of Rookie Road in 54min45sec.

Here's the Garmin profile:

Looking back through my records, this is the 4th fastest time I've ever made it to the top of Rookie Road.

Last year I managed a 54:00, but that wasn't until late March.

In 2012 I was in the best shape of my life, and I had two efforts at 51:45 and 52:45. That was with a heavier set-up than I use now, but that was also in late March before I got ever that fast.

So I have some weight to lose, but I'm pretty encouraged by my endurance and speed right now.

Bout to come up with some intermediate goals leading up to the CTR 14 starting on August 10th.

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