Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Out West Again

For my 4th consecutive "weekend," I headed out West, to Rabbit Valley this time, to put some miles down. I've probably been to Rabbit Valley about 10 times, but I've never been able to get the campsite at Castle Rocks. It was vacant when I rolled in about 11pm on Monday night, so I pulled in and set up camp.

I wasn't sure what I was going to ride. All week I had planned to go on to Moab, but I think it was a major jeep jamboree gathering out there, so I decided to avoid that and save myself another hour and a half of driving.

After breakfast I mounted up and headed for the best trail there is at Rabbit Valley, The Western Rim. It sprinkled rain as it would all day and that made the sandy trails nice and tacky. After the Western Rim I took the moto-trail connecter up and rode Westwater Mesa, The Arch Loop, and the Overlook Trail.

I tried to find the energy to continue with the "Holy Grail" by finishing on the Zion Curtain, but tired legs and a steadier rain forced me to hang a right on the Kokopelli Trail for a 9-mile cruise back to camp. Still hit 36 miles and about 4000 feet of climbing in 5hr10min.

I woke up this morning for day 2, made some coffee, and set out for a hike with my pup while trying to think of a good ride before heading home. It'd been a while since I'd ridden Horsethief Bench, so I decided to break camp and get a few miles in at the Kokopelli trailhead.

I did a hot lap on the easy, but very fun Rustler's Loop before continuing to Mary's Loop > Horsethief Bench > Mary's again > Steve's Trail to Handcuffs and took the dirt road back to the parking lot. Total 19 miles and 1500' climbing.

Solid weekend. Couple times I felt a little power in my legs and my butt is finally seasoned for bike season. I heard Buffalo Creek is "mainly" dry now. Perhaps I'll be able to head East for a change next week.

Nice sunsets out there in Fruita:

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