Saturday, April 13, 2013

Might the CTR Become Even Longer and More Difficult??? Yes, Please

A very interesting development happening on

Stefan, the underground race organizer posted a poll asking how riders would prefer to skirt the Lost Creek Wilderness not soon after starting the race. So far in the Colorado Trail Race history, the race has used Highway 285 from Bailey to Kenosha Pass because it is the shortest route to regain the trail, even though it is not the official Wilderness Bike bypass.

That section of 285 has a tiny shoulder and is very busy with Denver traffic heading into and out of the mountains. CTR riders seem to fear this section more than any other. Although you have to skip a few miles of sweet singletrack this way, it is many hours faster than the alternative, despite the danger.

The official Colorado Trail MTB Wilderness Bypass uses the Tarryall detour, and its over 50 miles of dirt roads longer than using 285 to connect to Kenosha Pass.

For me its an easy decision. I hate riding alongside cars even worse than I hate getting peppered with lighting. If I miscalculate and tumble off a cliff then I can live or die with that, but getting run over by some sleepy truck driver is my worst nightmare. 

So far the vote is a blow-out for the much longer Tarryall detour. Considering that the mass start will run East / Northbound and 285 will be all downhill and over quickly, I find the vote an even greater indictment of the needless danger on 285.

I wasn't expecting this issue to come up. Even months out I've been thinking of the relief I will feel after climbing for 2 hours on the 285 gauntlet and hopefully getting through safely. I'll be rooting for decision to come down for Tarryall and I'll be happy to spend that extra 8-12 hours marveling at the beauty of a very remote area rather than inhaling exhaust and praying for safe passage to Kenosha.

Plus, if we do Tarryall, we get more singletrack. Like this:

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