Thursday, March 28, 2013

Um, Training So Far...

Welp, after a kickass 2012, I'm behind the pace.

Last rear I rationalized the crummy snow year because I was hitting the trails early. I did 281 miles and 44,000 vert climbing in March and lots of that was right here @ 9100 feet in Summit County.

So let's just say I'm a bit behind that.

2013, I was injured from late January to early March, but it seems I'm back and able to train hard now. Its been cold this month, so the snow is deeper and more persistent, but I've skinned up as much as I can. On my last three weekends I've bolted west for Fruita, Moab, and Vernal respectively. I'm getting back.

I've got a way to go to reach my fitness from last summer, but its a challenge I'm stoked to accept. I'll let you know how it goes right here. I've got a CTR problem this year. No excuses allowed.

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