Thursday, March 28, 2013

I've got a problem

I moved to Colorado five years ago and it wasn't long before I learned of the Colorado Trail Race.

I was smitten with the idea immediately even as I knew I wasn't worthy yet. It would  be years before I could actually consider attempting it, but it was inevitable. At some point I knew the time would be right.

So I studied. I rode hard. I read every post on every race prep thread on I followed the race on Trackleaders. I began to feel like I was friends with Jefe and Ethan and Jesse and Toby and Joey Durango despite the fact that I've never met any of them.

Fortunately I live in Summit County so I've had great opportunity to acquaint myself with the first 200 miles of the Colorado Trail. Last summer I purchased my first gear bags. I completed two 120+ mile over-nighters. I got in the best shape of my old life. I crushed all my PR's and I began to wonder if 2013 might be the year.

So let's do this. Let's put it all out there in 2013. No time to wonder anymore. I've got a CTR problem to solve.

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