Friday, March 7, 2014

Fat Cyclist Weight Loss Contest

I enjoy reading Fat Cyclist and I could whole-heartedly relate when he recently wrote about his weight loss grace period. Basically, just like me, he had put on a thick winter coat and was having trouble facing the numbers on the scale. So he would give himself some time for stealth weight loss before publicly facing the facts on March 1..... hence, a weight loss grace period.

I was doing the exact same thing through January and February, after some horrific slacking and subsequent weight gain. I first weighed somewhere around Feb. 5 or 6th and I was within a range of 187-188. Truly disgusting.

On March 1 I weighed-in between 181-182, so I lost about 6-7 pounds without even trying too awfully hard. I just increased my workouts, ate a little better, and tried to drink a little less beer. But those were some lard-ass easy pounds to lose.

Fat Cyslist warned about an upcoming weight loss contest that would entail some serious commitment. I think I need a challenge like that to really accomplish my goals, so last night I joined up.

Here is my chart:
Shirey's Goal Page

The contest runs from March 11th to June 21st. I set a goal weight of 159.9, which would be the lightest I've been since college most likely. My lowest adult weight that I can remember is 161. So I have set a difficult goal.

I weighed last night after dinner and was 182.4 according to my wal-mart digital scale. I chose that as my starting weight in the contest. Then this morning I weighed either 180.0 or 179.6, so I'm a little conflicted about what to report today. I know I fluctuate about 3-4 pounds, but that is a pretty big change when all I did was sleep all night and piss a couple times.

I think I'll smooth that out and report 181.5 for today.... the contest doesn't really start until March 11th, so that will give me a few days to figure out the actual starting weight.

Excited to see what happens.... got started this morning on the right track with a 2-lap skin at Loveland... top of 2 & top of 9; 2.5 mile ascending, 2400' vert in 1hr22min skinning time.

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