Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Random Thoughts & Renewed Focus

Every fall during mud season I seem to lose my focus a bit. Once the trails get covered in snow, but before the skiing gets really good, I distract myself with beer and watching football a lot and get into some bad habits.

This usually takes care of itself after I get into a groove of skinning up the mountain before work. I've gotten in 7 days now so I'm trying to get some momentum and start shaving some of these extra pounds I've put on since I haven't been able to ride my bike.

I have definitely decided that I want to do the Colorado Trail Race again next summer. I daydream about it constantly and I'd really like to see if I can go quite a bit faster this year. Due to a knee injury last winter I was really only able to trail hard from April 1st until mid-July when the CTR began. If I can manage not to hurt myself skiing this winter, I've got plenty of time to get in much better shape than I was last year.

I guess I intend to use this blog now as more than just a CTR training journal. I deactivated from Facebook about a  month ago and I am really liking it. But I had been using Facebook for all my adventure trip photos and I'd like to transition that to this blog.

I think I'll begin that process now, so a few of the coming posts will be about some of my favorite trips in the past. I'll probably start with my big Gore Range Circumnavigation backpack during the summer of 2011.

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