Thursday, May 2, 2013

April Wrap-up

Pretty good month. Even though it won't stop snowing in the high country, I still got enough done to reach most of my goals.

I lost somewhere between 5.5 & 7.5 pounds during the month. I weighed 173.6 yesterday, but then 175.4 this morning, so not sure how much I lost exactly, but I'll take it.

I did some kind of workout on 26 of 30 days during the month.

  • Skinned at least 1000 vertical feet on 9 days.
  • Skied semi-hard 11 days.
  • Hiked or Jogged 22 days for a total of 114.5 miles
  • Mountain biked 6 days for a total of 210.5 miles
  • Total vertical climbing of 32,775 feet.
  • Got back to lifting weights towards the end of the month for 3 days.
  • Foundation back exercises on 5 days.
  • Total of 67 hours of exercise during the month, although a decent amount was low intensity hiking.

I put together my May goals yesterday:
  • Get back under 170 pounds, hopefully to 168-ish by the 31st.
  • At least 16 days on the bike & getting started on the intervals.
  • 20+ days hiking, jogging, climbing, skinning since I have to walk the Border Collie anyways.
  • 17 days of Foundation back / core exercises.
  • 12 days lifting weights.
  • 400+ bike miles
  • 100+ feet miles
  • 40,000'+ vert of climbing combined.
In other news, the decision came down to use the Tarryall Detour during the CTR instead of Highway 285. I'm very excited even though this adds 50+ miles of hilly forest roads to the total length of the race. I just much prefer this route than sharing 285 with truckers and RV's on a small shoulder. But we'll see how I feel when I have to make that turn-off knowing it will take me many more hours to reach Kenosha Pass.

The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the Tarryall Detour, which amazes me since the main field will be travelling Eastbound this year, and would have been able to cruise downhill on 285 to Bailey in a very quick time. The fact that Tarryall was chosen seems an even greater indictment of the suck-factor on 285. I'm happy and relieved that I don't have to worry about it anymore.

here's some Zippety Do Dah @ Fruita:

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