Monday, March 31, 2014

March 2014 Training Wrap

Hell yeah, had a great month.

Weighed in at 171.6 this morning and I've weighed as little as 170.5 in the last couple days, so I think I lost 10+ pounds during the month. This is a full 10 pounds less than this date last year.

Also hit most of my workout goals.

Worked out on 25 of the 31 days:
20 days skinning, 2 days on the mountain bike (White Rim and Fruita), 2 days jogging, but I did not get into the gym and hit the weights even once.

53.25 total miles on the feet, either skinning (44.25) or jogging (9).
139.0 total miles on the mountain bike.
51,000 total feet of vertical climbing via feet (41,300) and bike (9,700)
45 hours and 15 minutes of training time.

Eight multiple lap efforts skinning and five other days knocking out the 2300' climb at Keystone.

So then, what about some challenging April goals....

I have an employee uphill skinning race on April 17th, so I'd like to have a fresh legs for that. So for the first 10 days of April I will keep the mileage, climbing, and general intensity of the workouts pretty high before backing off in the week before the race. Similarly, I'd like to keep strict attention on my diet for these first 10 days so I can lose several pounds during that time. I want to eat more and feel stronger during the week of the race so I won't try to lose much weight during that week. After the race is over I'll try to close out the rest of the month by losing a few more pounds.

So goal weight for the April 17th race = 168
April 30 goal weight = 164

Got to hit at least 50,000 feet climbing again via feet and bike.

Substitute more bike miles for skinning miles as well as some jogging and steep hiking to strengthen up my ankles and achilles.

And somehow find my way in to the gym to lift weights at least 2 times per week.

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